Conversations for growing resilient kids
These free guides were developed by Savannah Sanders, a mother, foster parent, social worker, and survivor of exploitation. Grounded in her personal and professional experience these three age-specific conversation guides provide parents, caregivers, and service providers with guided prompts to have conversations that help build a foundation for sex trafficking prevention with kids between the ages of 3-17. The guides cover body safety and boundaries, online safety, healthy relationships, and more. Each is presented in a conversational tone and easy-to-use format.
“This conversation guide has been a labor of love — born out of my own life experiences, my commitment to support my own children in leading safe lives, and my passion for addressing the root causes of sex trafficking. While no one person or guide has all the answers, I have focused my career, passion, and education on addressing the root causes that lead to the commercial sexual exploitation of youth. This guide includes strategies I’ve learned along the way and conversations I’ve had with my own children.”